Do you have a Safety Culture?
Based on Reason (1997) The Components of Safety Culture
Definitions of Informed, Reporting, Just, Flexible and Learning Cultures
A Safety Culture is something that
is striven for but rarely attained…”
The process is more important than
the product.”
James Reason, “Managing the Risks of
Organizational Accidents.”
Doing the right things, even when no
one is watching.
Safety begins at top of organization .The
safest organizations have more effectively committed themselves to controlling
the risks that may arise from mechanical or organizational failures, environmental
conditions and human error.
The organization collects and analyzes “the
right kind of data” to keep it informed of the safety health of the
organization – collects, analyzes and disseminates information on incidents and
near-misses, as well as proactive safety checks.
James Reason.