
Human Factors In Serious Aircraft Accidents

Human Factors In Serious Aircraft Accidents

Human Factors in Serious Accidents. Data are still revealing with respect to aircraft operations today.
The same Human Factors in serious aircraft accidents have perhaps existed since the first powered aircraft flights in Aviation History.

The main percentage of the accidents occurred in General Aviation flights and specific were in single engine airplanes.

Automated aids and decision support tools are rapidly becoming indispensable tools in high-technology cockpits and are assuming increasing control of “cognitive" flight tasks, such as calculating fuel-efficient routes, navigating, or detecting and diagnosing system malfunctions and abnormalities.
A New Approach to Aviation Accident/Incident Prevention/Mitigation is one of the most important part to work together to avoid future accidents.

Good Strategies "to enable the goal to include identification of causes of past accidents; and  use a more proactive analytically approach, with new data sources, to identify key risk factors and intervene to prevent potential causes of future accidents ,always focus Human Factors research , development and based on detailed causal analysis and share with all crews , contribute to Aviation Safety by developing policies, standards, programs, and systems to reduce the number of aviation accidents and incidents related to human factors , always fly SOP and follow the rules this is the Key to have a good  Performance Plan when flying.

Always Fly Safely and Always think Safety before you work. Remember Always this word SAFETY! You family is waiting for you at home. Pilots never forget about Safety.

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