
The Causes of Accidents Why?

The causes of accidents frequently repeated why?

One reason, is we as pilots need to be always have a good discipline inside the cockpit, and also include the best resources management (CRM), and avoid any distraction in the cockpit, have a good communication, a good pilot judgment, and a good decision-making (ADM).

So, in the past decade, the discipline of human factors has become instrumental in determining the fatal causes of aircraft accidents.

But, you as a professional pilot, you ask yourself a lot of many questions, but why accidents continue to happen, if I am a good well trained pilot.

We have the tools to prevent incidents and accidents, the airlines on the trainings departments the crews have the best instructors an all the tools to have the best pilots, but incidents continue affected the community and those incidents continue happen.

I know these words ideas have been expressed by me in other post's.

In, my personal and professional opinion, these concepts about why accidents contiunue happening, my only advice is to invite all pilots around the world fly safely and continue studying the human factors we as pilots always learn no matter how many years are you in this interesting carrer or have many hours you have gathering in your log-books, always be prepare for the unexpected to any situation, and fly your aircraft safe.

After completing this post, you as a professional pilot be able to discuss with your colleagues, the basic concepts and goals of a good CRM, and discuss with your airline that safety has improved more and more since the introduction of the CRM training.

So, I hope you enjoyed my lecture today, and you a safety pilot can contact me any time, it doesn't matter in what country you are flying if you need concepts regarding about safety you are very welcome here and your opininon also too.

Always Fly Safely!

Safety Information is a free service of:

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC.

1(954) 617-5374


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