
The Pilot Fatigue Recognition of the Problem

The Pilot Fatigue Recognition of the Problem
Causes, Symptoms and Effects of Pilot Fatigue

For many years, Pilot Fatigue has been a real issue. Airline pilots, as well Cargo Crews, corporate and private pilots can all face fatigue while on the profession. While Pilot Fatigue can be common, it poses a very troubling threat to aviation safety and should be taken really serious to avoid aviation accidents and incidents.

There is a long history of arguments between Governing Agencies, Airline Pilots and the Unions, and also Aircraft Operators over Pilot Fatigue Issues. Today, the issue is still being disputed as the industry tries to find a joint solution in an effort to the reduction the risks connected with fatigue.
Pilot Fatigue has been a real problem since the beginning of air travel in all around the world; obviously, fatigue is caused by lack of sleep. But it's not always that simple. It can manifest acutely, such as after a long trip, the definition of fatigue also is a source of difficulty which has tended to generate misperception and delay progress. 

All Pilots need to understand well the concept of Pilot Fatigue. Here are some specific Causes :
Symptoms and Effects of fatigue:

Lack of quality sleep, Interruption of Circadian Rhythm, Sleep Disturbances, Jet Lag  , Mental or Emotional Stress (such as family problems, anxiety, or Checkride Stress) , Poor health, including dehydration or poor diet .

Symptoms of Fatigue: Falling asleep, Yawning, Poor Visual Perception, Feeling "Sluggish" or "Sleepy”, Decreased Reaction Time, Decreased Concentration.
Effects of Fatigue: Lack of Motivation, Poor Performance of Tasks, Forgetfulness, Poor Judgment,
Diminished decision-making skills, including making rash decisions or lack of making a decision at all.

One of the last crashed and a good example to analysis was the Colgan Air crash close to Buffalo-Niagara International Airport 2009 on the winter season at that time.

Fatigue is a very real problem for flight crews if the Pilots don’t understand well the concept.
While the FAA and aviation operators can help mitigate the risks of pilot fatigue through education, changes to flight hour limitations and other fatigue management programs, the ultimate responsibility of fatigue management lies with pilots themselves.

I want to focus especially in the nature of sleep, the most common Physiological Symptom related with long – range flying is disturbance  of the normal Sleep Pattern .
Sleep Patterns, has been divided into two basics kinds, Orthodox and Paradoxical (or REM),

I'm sure when any of you as Pilots when are reading this post relating with the Pilot Fatigue Issue , are going to ask some questions, what that mean those two expressions Orthodox and Paradoxical (or REM), of course , some remain confused , because maybe suddenly  they have never heard this words in relating with the concern  about Pilot Fatigue .

The acronym REM is derived from the initials of Rapid Eye Movement, one of the initial characteristics discovered in Paradoxical Sleep. Orthodox Sleep is occasionally called Non REM Sleep.
Each Kind of Sleep has its own characteristics. 
The more you know about Aviation Safety Concepts the more you grow in your profession.

Most pilots learn, when they read more concepts why accidents happen, and how we can be prevented.

Don't ever let you know, you know everything, the day you think you don't learn more in aviation, it is the time you need to stop working and retired in this profession , because maybe you are going  to make the mistake of your  life . In aviation every day you learn new things, always remember fly safely all the time.

The Successful Safety Pilot must have all the time all the Concepts Clear, and always stay away to prevent incidents and accidents inside your airplane.
There is no reason why not to learn more about Aviation Safety. Fly Safe!!!

My mind clicks on and off.
I try letting one eyelid close at a time while I prop the other with my will.
But the effect is too much, sleep is winning, my whole body argues dully that nothing, nothing life can attain is quite, so desirable as sleep. My mind is losing resolution and control.
Charles Lindbergh about his 1927 Transatlantic Flight

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