
The Vision for Safety to Avoid Accidents

 Vision for Safety to Avoid Accidents:

Commercial Air Transportation consists of the activities of the all commercial air carriers, the routes they fly to assist the public. 

So, today the Airline Industry is well positioned and growth every day, and the most important is to significantly improve aviation safety.

Improve safety is the Key, there are three fundamental pillars of Civil Aviation of this decade, Safety, Security and Environmental Protection, so, also these important pillars are very significant to reduce incidents and accidents. 

There will be fewer accidents, if all together in the aviation business, we share safety ideas all around the world to sharing and help pilots to understand well the concept of Air Safety.

Risks can be managed before they become accidents; this is why it is very important that all states and service providers have well established (SMS) Safety Management System programs inside any organization.

The information they develop form these systems helps in the further analyzing situations and developing ideas and solutions for the prevention of incidents and accidents in all General Aviation.

Improving aviation safety is the key to continue sharing ideas and used a good method in aviation industry to examine aviation accident/incident, and focusing and analyzing areas that errors mostly occurred in any organization, why accidents happen,? When an aircraft accident occurs many questions are asked. So, the question WHY, rises a lot during investigation of the operator at the time of investigation.

Safety is a top priority, the goal of aviation safety is to improve, aviation safety, through the prevention of accidents and incidents programs .

Safe Pilots/ Safe Skies

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC


FAA Runway Incursion FY 2023

Runway Incursion
 Totals by quarter FY2023 vs. FY2022 

Runway Incursion Totals by quarter FY2023 vs. FY2022 



Refresh What is a Runway Incursion (RI)

What is a Runway Incursion?

A runway incursion (RI) is any occurrence at an aerodrome involving the incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle, or person on the protected area of a surface designated for the landing and take off of aircraft.

FAA has made Runway Safety a top priority, with a specific focus on developing new and more effective RI avoidance strategies.

Runway Safety is a significant challenge and a top priority for everyone in aviation.

In the United States, an average of three Runway Incursions occurs daily. 

Each of these incidents has the potential to cause significant damage to both persons and property.

Runway incursions are a serious safety concern and have involved air carrier aircraft, military aircraft, general aviation (GA), and pedestrian vehicles.

Runway incursions have resulted in collisions and fatalities.

Fatalities have occurred at both towered and non-towered airports. 

A few seconds of inattention can cause a Runway Incursion.

Causal Factors of Runway Incursions:

Detailed investigations of Runway Incursions over the past 10 years have identified three major areas contributing to these events:

 1. Failure to comply with ATC instructions.

 2.Lack of airport familiarity.

 3. Non conformance with standard operating procedure.

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC

Always Fly Safely. 



Why Accidents Happen?

Safety Risk Management and Safety Culture Why Accidents Happen?

All people who fly and airplane ask what is important about human factors and the role of the pilot flying a plane.

Accidents statistics seem to indicate that pilots do not have the appropriate tools to deal with their own roles in the cockpit. 

So, all pilots are trained to handle emergencies, such as engine failure or any electrical system failures, but they are sometimes no trained to handle the internal and external factors that act them.

But, how does safety culture of any organization affect the policy and implementation of its safety management system to avoid and stay away of incidents and accidents?

Measuring a safety culture inside any group is very important, but how do you measure a safety culture in an organization?

There are subcultures in any huge organization based on geography, other leadership styles and even which shift a person works.

In, my personal view and experience, to effectively measure a safety culture, the cultural norms of the organization must first to be identified, and them there must be and extensive examination of how the management team respond to errors.

Safety Risk Management is another important issue, in an effort to assist all aviation companies all around the world, to understand why accidents happen in any organization.

To recall and refresh all pilots who read my post, the most common, and specific causes of accidents, in order of incidence and regularity, are:

·         Loss of directional control.

·         Poor Judgment.

·         Airspeed not maintained.

·         Poor preflight planning and 

          poor decision making.

·         Clearance not maintained.

·         Inadvertent stalls, very important.

·         Poor crosswind handling.

·         Poor inflight planning and decision making.

As every pilot see here, almost all of these are a result of poor pilot performance, but not necessarily of a result of any equipment malfunction,

So, this is why Safety Risk Management and Safety Culture is very important to understand the role and importance of effective safety risk management and incident investigation in a functioning safety management system works.

Always keep in mind that flying is about people, much more so than about machines. 

To avoid any incident or accident increasing your awareness of human strengths will make you a safety pilot at all time you flying your airplane.

Always Fly Safely!


Types of Storm Clouds

Storm Clouds:

Cumulonimbus are the types of clouds that all pilots most want to avoid. CB, clouds generally contain heavy rain, lightning, hail, strong winds and in some cases tornadoes...

Always Fly Safely!

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC.


Aviation Safety Culture

Aviation Safety Culture Effective Risk Management.

Safety Culture is an essential to success and key to accomplishing future goals in your organization to avoid and prevent future incidents and accidents.

Usually, Aviation Safety has been regulated strictly to follow up the Rules, Regulations and Standards Operation Procedures (SOP).

ICAO itself distinguishes between state Safety Programs (SSPs) and Safety Management Systems (SMSs) for air operators and maintenance organizations. 

SMS is a systematic approach to managing safety, including the necessary organizational structure, accountabilities, policies and procedures.

It follows that safety is the state in which the risk of harm to persons or property is maintained at or below an acceptable level. Human error is inevitable, and absolute Safety is First .

These are set as the Safety Goals for operators to maintain and stay away of accidents.

How important is a Safety Culture for your organization?

Safety Culture is the set of continuing with values and attitudes concerning safety, shared by every member of every level of an organization.

Safety culture is usually recognized as critical to the success of SMS.

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC.


Human Factors in Improving Aviation Safety Landings

      What causes a bounce landing in aviation?

Today, I want to write and share some interesting issues you need to refresh when you making and approach to land your airplane safe to avoid a big incident or accident.

So, there are two primary causes of bounced landings: a landing hard, and landing too fast.

If you have a high sink rate, your tendency is to pull back on the yoke as you quickly approach to the ground. 

The angle-of-attack rapidly increases, creating enough lift to your airplane plane back into the air. The faster you are, the more, this is a problem, because you can create more lift.

No, worries bad landings usually start in making an unstabilized approach. You need to fix the error on time. 

Making a go around immediately is the best thing to do, if you think you are going to make a bounce landing if you are making an unstabilized approach.

A bounced landing is a type of landing where an airplane touches down on the runway, bounces back into the air, and later touches down again so fast. 

This can happen due to many factors and  reasons, one of that an excessive speed or a hard touchdown. 

Bounced landings, if you do not corrected on time can be dangerous, as they can cause some structural damage to the airplane and result in injuries or fatalities in a big incident or accident.

Always be alert and remember to recover from a bounced landing on time, all pilots must take immediate action to make a safe landing.

         Always Fly Safe.

    CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC.


Low-Cost Airlines

 Low-Cost Airlines

Hoy quiero dar mi propia opinión al tema de las aerolíneas de bajo costo en general a nivel internacional. 

La economía mundial, en el entorno internacional no está pasando los mejores momentos, y más aún para todas las aerolíneas comerciales en que sufrieron la cancelación de sus operaciones aéreas, ante la pandemia como fue el COVID 19, el cual afecto e impacto a la aviación en general en todo el mundo.

El Post Covid y la recuperación económica para no solo la aviación ha sido un tema muy duro que han tenido que enfrentar muchas empresas internacionalmente.

En Sur América hemos visto muchas aerolíneas de bajo costo desaparecer y ver como se paralizo la operación aérea en Colombia de las aerolíneas Viva Air y Ultra Air en las últimas semanas, y otras regiones las cuales fueron afectadas.

Las compañías aéreas de bajo costo no son malas empresas, en su operación,  como lo han querido ver, ante algunos medios, muy respetable con la información, el tráfico aéreo a nivel internacional a pesar de los inconvenientes presentados por estas dos aerolíneas en Colombia se mantiene más diligente, a pesar de sus dificultades, tratando de superar la crisis.

Debemos enfocarnos también, que un país como Colombia que de acuerdo a su topografía necesita más aerolíneas al respecto, y que el incremento del combustible, el aumento del (IVA) a los tiquetes, la dolarización de la moneda, y la pandemia como lo exprese anteriormente, llevaron afectar a estas aerolíneas su operación aérea por los costos altos de operación a entrar en dificultades económicas.

Aquí se juntaron muchos factores, de los cuales analizo, con un criterio profesional, donde la falta de liquides pudo ser causa también para la empresa ULTRA AIR, que venía prestando un buen servicio aéreo al país, lo expreso con respeto, una aerolínea nueva en el mercado los resultados y utilidades se ven es después de un tiempo y no en un año de operación, aquí algo les salió mal, pero no veo la intención como lo afirman, algunas fuentes que este negocio era una pirámide no lo veo así, desde mi punto objetivo y profesional, al conocimiento del tema de las aerolíneas de bajo costo.

Analizo una parte muy importante que deben tener cualquier empresa y más las aerolíneas que manejan una estructura de costos muy altos, estos deben ser manejados y liderados con mucho criterio y con mucha disciplina, para poder lograr y poder superar pruebas muy complicadas en el sector aeronáutico actual donde vemos que en otros países algunas aerolíneas de bajo costo están optando por unirse para poder prestar un mejor servicio y no tengan que desaparecer a futuro.

Aquí también tenemos una falencia muy grande, de una falta de atención, por parte de las autoridades correspondientes a los países, para así poder prevenir, este tipo de adversidades, para antes de que puedan desaparecer por completo, y llegar así a la quiebra y el cierre de operaciones.

Las aerolíneas en mi concepto profesional y objetivo estas mismas entran en un procesos de quiebra cuando ellas se quedan si un buen flujo de caja para poder cubrir sus obligaciones cotidianas, como son el pago de los leasing de arrendamiento de sus aviones que operan, las otras obligaciones que tiene cualquier empresa, como son los pagos a sus empleados,  proveedores, y poder cumplir a sus usuarios al respecto.

Cualquier aerolínea a nivel internacional debe tener en cuenta y agrupar, en su manejo de recursos y hacer un buen estudio de estas dos pablaras en el ambiente aeronáutico como son el RASK y el CASK, de operación. Y saber muy bien su diferencia para llegar hacer una aerolínea Low Cost exitosa.

Las aerolíneas de bajo costo para mi concepto profesional objetivo son buenas si son bien  administradas con mucho criterio, para evitar situaciones desagradables como lo que han vivido las aerolíneas Viva Air y Ultra Air en Colombia, sin atribuir, culpa alguna a nadie algo les salió mal, se les salió de control, y termino esto en un efecto domino en el ámbito financiero, y desafortunadamente el no tener un buen capital, un buen flujo de caja previsto para haber podido sobrevivir a lo imprevisto, que lleva a cualquier empresa a entrar en caída y esto genera un efecto domino, llevando a la quiebra a cualquier organización sea de aviación u otra en el mercado actual de cualquier negocio.

CRM 4 Pilots

Aviation Consulting INC

1(954) 617-5374
