
The Vision for Safety to Avoid Accidents

 Vision for Safety to Avoid Accidents:

Commercial Air Transportation consists of the activities of the all commercial air carriers, the routes they fly to assist the public. 

So, today the Airline Industry is well positioned and growth every day, and the most important is to significantly improve aviation safety.

Improve safety is the Key, there are three fundamental pillars of Civil Aviation of this decade, Safety, Security and Environmental Protection, so, also these important pillars are very significant to reduce incidents and accidents. 

There will be fewer accidents, if all together in the aviation business, we share safety ideas all around the world to sharing and help pilots to understand well the concept of Air Safety.

Risks can be managed before they become accidents; this is why it is very important that all states and service providers have well established (SMS) Safety Management System programs inside any organization.

The information they develop form these systems helps in the further analyzing situations and developing ideas and solutions for the prevention of incidents and accidents in all General Aviation.

Improving aviation safety is the key to continue sharing ideas and used a good method in aviation industry to examine aviation accident/incident, and focusing and analyzing areas that errors mostly occurred in any organization, why accidents happen,? When an aircraft accident occurs many questions are asked. So, the question WHY, rises a lot during investigation of the operator at the time of investigation.

Safety is a top priority, the goal of aviation safety is to improve, aviation safety, through the prevention of accidents and incidents programs .

Safe Pilots/ Safe Skies

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC


FAA Runway Incursion FY 2023

Runway Incursion
 Totals by quarter FY2023 vs. FY2022 

Runway Incursion Totals by quarter FY2023 vs. FY2022 



Refresh What is a Runway Incursion (RI)

What is a Runway Incursion?

A runway incursion (RI) is any occurrence at an aerodrome involving the incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle, or person on the protected area of a surface designated for the landing and take off of aircraft.

FAA has made Runway Safety a top priority, with a specific focus on developing new and more effective RI avoidance strategies.

Runway Safety is a significant challenge and a top priority for everyone in aviation.

In the United States, an average of three Runway Incursions occurs daily. 

Each of these incidents has the potential to cause significant damage to both persons and property.

Runway incursions are a serious safety concern and have involved air carrier aircraft, military aircraft, general aviation (GA), and pedestrian vehicles.

Runway incursions have resulted in collisions and fatalities.

Fatalities have occurred at both towered and non-towered airports. 

A few seconds of inattention can cause a Runway Incursion.

Causal Factors of Runway Incursions:

Detailed investigations of Runway Incursions over the past 10 years have identified three major areas contributing to these events:

 1. Failure to comply with ATC instructions.

 2.Lack of airport familiarity.

 3. Non conformance with standard operating procedure.

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC

Always Fly Safely. 
