
Black Hole Approach

Dangerous Approaches / Keep on Outside / Can be Fatal if you don’t Understand.

Dangerous Approaches / Keep on Outside.

Interesting, enjoy the article, always try to fly safely. 

So, the final approach accidents have increased in the last years, according to final reports of incidents and accidents, in the development of my own research into this analysis by myself, also, I want to write and post here my personal view regarding why accidents happen in this final phase of the flight.

Why didn’t the Flight Crew follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)?

Why didn’t they fly their instruments? Why didn’t they hear and respond to the Ground – Proximity Warning System (GPWS). 

Sometimes, poor decision making in many cases caused by stress overload that resulted in the reduction of crew focus to the point that warnings were not heard, recognized.

So, a human error approach to aviation errors analysis such approaches black hole landings, since they were characterized as occurring leads pilots to fly low approaches .

In, another point of my personal analyses, in the course of working with accidents similar to those in this post, I noted that many times the pilots appeared to lack knowledge of the design criteria for the instrument approach procedures that they were conducting.

In, both standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) and the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) equivalent for Air Navigation Services – Aircraft Operations (PANS – OPS) there are severe and different limitations of which pilots must be aware. 

Without knowledge of the limitations, pilots may inadvertently, wandering outside the protected areas and place themselves and their aircraft in danger.

I have been studied some accidents reports and also working as an aviation accident Investigator, when the crew are in the final phases approaching to the airport, occasionally the crew they get lost to the point that they strayed from a protected area and failed to respond properly to GPWS warnings for the last 22 seconds of the flight .

This is many times related accidents by CFIT (Controlled Flight in to Terrain).

On occasion the findings of the accidents investigation show that the flight crew risk factor long duty period, reduced alertness likely was involved.   

My best recommendation to all pilots do not assume that all airports in the same Country o Foreign Countries use the same design criteria, always remember that the PIC (Pilot in Command) is the only person responsible to land the aircraft safely.

Always Fly Safely!

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CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting Inc

Spatial Disorientation

Spatial Disorientation Visual Illusions


How does spatial disorientation affect a pilot?

Spatial disorientation can also affect instrument-rated private and commercial pilots in certain situations.

Spatial disorientation is more likely to happen when there is no visible horizon on a dark night or in Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC). 

If malfunctioning flight instruments, high workload or a failure in management to maintain a good CRM (Crew Resource Management), are present too, then the risk of spatial disorientation is increased.

Keep in mind, that general aviation airplane accidents are involving spatial disorientation.

Here are some tips for avoiding spatial disorientation especially during night flying.

Give your eyes time to adjust, beware of bright lighting, watch for false horizons, and always trust your instruments, you as a safety pilot will be contributing to keeping the skies safe for everyone.

And always remember spatial disorientation is well-defined as the inability of a pilot to correctly interpret aircraft attitude, altitude or airspeed in relation to the earth or other points of reference.

Understanding spatial disorientation is a key to fly safe. 

Avoid and spatial disorientation accident, refresh your knowledge’s and, I recommend you as a good safety pilot, read more about spatial disorientation. 

The 6 types of spatial disorientation, and how to prevent :

The leans.

Coriolis illusion.

Graveyard spirals.

Somatogravic Illusion.

Inversion Illusion.

Elevator Illusion.

Always Fly Safe! 

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CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting Inc

Miami- Florida


The Startle Effect on Pilots

The Concept of Startle Effect on Pilots during Critical Events:

The startle effect surprise pilots inside the cockpit, and is a contributing factor in multiple aviation incidents and accidents that have been recognized, during the investigation when an airplane crashed, the term startle effect can impact pilot performance in many hazardous ways.

There are some differences between startle and surprise: the terms startle and surprise are often used interchangeably in aviation operational training, a startle effect is a short-term, fast, and highly physiological reaction.

CRM 4 Pilots, we train the best safety pilots.

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CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting Inc

Be a Safety Pilot CRM 7 Tips

                          Always Fly Safely !

The best safety device inside your cockpit is a well-trained safety pilot.

Las Metas en la Vida

Las Metas y nuestro compromiso personal:

En la vida el recorrido siempre es largo el camino, para recorrerlo asi se nos presenten obstaculos debemos siempre tener ese compromiso con uno mismo de seguir luchando por lo que queremos y a donde queremos llegar y sobre pasar esos obstaculos.

El compromiso es crucial, en el ser humano y recuerde que para lograr las metas y objetivos establecidos debemos trabajar duro y lucharlos nada es gratis..

Debemos de estar siempre dispuestos a hacer lo necesario para alcanzar esas metas establecidas, incluso cuando surjan muchos obstaculos o momentos de desmotivacion en ese camino recorrido de la vida. 

El compromiso con nosotros mismos nos  implica tomar acciones constantes y perseverar siempre a pesar de las dificultades.

Estudiar es muy importante, y es lo mejor que unos padres pueden dejar a sus hijos no lo material...la educacion...

Hoy comparto estas palabras porque ver otro ano mas de nuestras vidas, he podido cumplir mis metas para este 2024 que ya faltan pocos dias para finalizar... 

Trabajen siempre en sus metas y objetivos nada es imposible...

La vida son retos y todo se puede, puedo decir cumpli mis metas en este 2024 y me quedan pendientes muchas mas.

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting Inc


TCAS Traffic Alert and Collision Systems

Understanding Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance Systems TCAS.

Another important instrument inside your cockpit.

So, I want to talk a very interesting issue regarding about the TCAS.

I know, all pilots are very familiar, of course about this important instrument system in the cockpit that is independent of, but compatible with, the ground base ATC network. 

With the use of an onboard computer, a TCAS processes transponder signals from other aircraft to determine their positions, altitudes, and rates of closure.

So, these signals can be received and analyzed up to 40 mile away. 

That information is presented to the flight crew on either the cockpit weather radar scope, or a specially, designed TCAS color display.  

The TCAS system, is a family of airborne equipment that provides collision avoidance protection and airspace situational awareness. 

The TCAS was designed to increase cockpit awareness for the prevention of Mid-Air Collisions.  

So, because transponders interrogation is an integral part to a TCAS, let’s take a quick review and refresh the memory at the three types of transponders and see how each works, or doesn’t work, with the TCAS system.

A transponder, all pilots recognizes is an onboard device that transmits a code signal back to ATC, also that numbered code appears as a distinct pattern on the controller’s radar scope, the same transponder signal, however, provides slightly different information to the TCAS.

Anyway, all pilots identify the different modes of transponders, they are as follows as:

Mode-A, Mode- C, Mode- S: 

Mode-S is the most sophisticated of the transponders and is an integral part of TCAS II.

So, there are different levels of TCAS systems: 


TCAS I: is a low power system that has 40 nautical miles range. It consists of a TCAS antenna, TCAS processor with a 125 watt peak power transmitter, and a display unit.

TCAS II: combined with a Mode-S transponder, scans a volume of airspace around the aircraft using two antennas; one on the top of the fuselage and the other below.  

TCAS III: Originally designated TCAS II, improved, TCAS III was intended as an expansion of the TCAS II concept to include horizontal resolution advisory capability.

TCAS III was the "next generation" of collision avoidance technology which experienced development by commercial aviation.

TCAS IV: uses additional information encoded by the target aircraft in the Mode S transponder reply.

TCAS IV: has replaced the TCAS III concept by the mid-1990s, also for years avionics manufactures and the FAA has been trying to develop a system that includes horizontal maneuvering.

To understanding well the concept the system is an excellent device for safety to avoid a mid air collision. 

The system is impressive but when a poorly trained pilot misunderstands the advisory commands or mishandles control inputs, TCAS becomes a detriment to safety instead of a benefit.

We know as pilots that one resource ever stands alone. 

TCAS meant to enhance a see and avoid environment, compliment the air traffic control system, and increase situational awareness.

So, but when it’s misused, the negative effects can be far more negative to collision avoidance than you might realize.  

My best advice to all pilots, who read my safety blog, always uses clear and concise communication, avoid ambiguous, and immediately notify ATC when you have lost sight of your traffic.

Used properly and conscientiously.

I want to be very detailed saying these words again, TCAS can enhance see and avoid, compliment ATC, and increase situational awareness.

Always Fly Safe!

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CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC.



Radar Meteorologico en los Aviones

Radar Meteorologico en los Aviones

El radar en los aviones, es una herramienta de las mas importantes que todo aviador debe entender y estar muy bien familiarizado, igualmente es primordial y fundamental para la seguridad aerea para evitar el mal tiempo durante el vuelo.

El radar en nuestra cabina de mando, nos proporciona informacion en tiempo real sobre la posicion, la velocidad y direccion de el avion, para asi evitar el mal tiempo en ruta y poder obtener un vuelo seguro para los pasajeros de abordo.

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CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC



El TWIN OTTER DHC-6 300/400

Hoy quiero compartir este post, y felicitar a la aerolinea SATENA en Colombia, del regreso de este nuevo tipo de avion al pais, el Twin Otter con el paso de los tiempos se convirtio en una aeronave de confiabilidad, asi mismo cumpliendo diversas funciones, para transporte de pasajeros, carga, incluso para operaciones y misiones especiales.

La fabrica De Havilland con el paso del tiempo sigue evolucionando y ver que el nuevo Twin Otter DHC-6-400 esta equipado con la ultima tecnologia actual en la aviacion del momento.

Pude volar este tipo de avion en los territorios de Colombia y dentro de mis memorias quedaron muy buenos recuerdos de un excelente avion muy seguro de volar.

Las memorias no se olvidan, por esto mismo quiero compartir esos recuerdos en este post un avion exitoso.

Igualmente este Twin Otter demuestra ser un buen avion de apoyo en diferentes sitios para su operacion en Colombia que por su topografia es dificil de llegar, despegar y aterrizar en condiciones adversas y dificiles, es el avion perfecto para su segura operacion en el pais.

Felicito a la aerolinea SATENA de adquirir este tremendo avion que vole por algunos anos y que me dejo muy buenos recuerdos de los cuales se los comparto. Comparto el regreso del Twin Otter al pais de Colombia.

Exitos SATENA.

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CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC



Weather Flight and the Pilot

 Winter Approaches / Weather Flight Planning

As winter approaches, now’s a good time to write about Aviation Weather. 

So, when ice is encountered, all pilots know how to do immediately to get out of it, of course you are a well-trained safety pilot , but you need to know no matter what is the condition , is freezing rain, freezing drizzle , it rarely requires that any pilot must  be and call for a positive action. 

Any accident prevention project it is very important to a good weather flight planning and the pilot must be understand the structure of a good weather briefing , especially in this type of the year 2024,  as a winter approaches in the U.S 

A good weather briefing starts with developing an awareness of the big picture, so before attempting to get a detailed briefing. 

Before your flight you can usually do this by watching the news use your all resources as the weather channel, the weather report by using the FAA telephone information briefing service and also be in contact with your airline etc.

To refresh your memory, you remember the Flight Service Station (FSS) weather briefing there are three basic types of weather available from FSS, Standard, Abbreviated, and Outlook.

 Keep in mind the information presented will depend upon the specific briefing you request.

When contacting an FSS , tell the briefer which type of briefing you need, and give the following background that any Student Pilot , Private Pilot , Commercial Pilot identifies concerning what I’m feedback today about weather .

Well there are a lot of others types of FSS briefings.  

So, I want to remember some fatal accidents in the past some very important like the Air Florida Flight 90 on January 13, 1982 , flight departed from Washington International Airport and  crashed into the Bridge over the Potomac River.

The Boeing 737 was deiced with a mixture of heated water and monopropylene glycol before taxing, and later after takeoff crashed due Icing and pilot error.

Later few years after, the Colgan Air Flight 3407 on February 12, 2009 en route from Newark Liberty International Airport to Buffalo Niagara International Airport crashed in to the final phase approaching to the destination airport, the de-icing system was turned on 11 minutes into the flight by the crew, who discussed significant ice buildup on the aircraft's wings and windscreen shortly before the crash.

I don’t want to go more deep into further details regarding these accidents; the latest terrible accident flight from Cascavel to Guarulhos on  August 9, 2024, in Brazil approaching the airport, my only purpose is to understand these accidents and share with all of you guys who read my safety blog during this important time of the year that winter coming soon, and why Ice is bad.

Pilots, remember always Ice in flight is bad news, it destroys the smooth flow of air, increasing drag while decreasing the ability of the airfoil to create lift. 

So, your airplane may stall at much higher speeds and lower angles of attack than normal. 

You need to know well the concept that it can roll or pitch uncontrollably, and recovery may be impossible.

Anyway, be vigilant all the time, do a proper preflight, during taxing, during departure, en route and approach and landing. 

Be carefully most Icing accidents occurring in the approach and landing phase of flight.

Pilots never take risks, use all your technological resources to check your weather report before flying , we identify and learned from all the records that fatal accidents in the past , weather has been a casual factor of aviation accidents.

Looking further into the past, I’m sure that this article can help you more as a pilot during flying on winter time.

Always remember, knowledge your aircraft, knowledge of existing and forecast weather, proper pre flights and planning a good flight are the key factors in the discipline to be a good Safety Pilot.

Even the most experienced pilot should not fly when presented with conditions that exceed his/ her ability, you as a pilot must take logical decisions in turn lead to the Go/No-Go decision.

Each pilot knows what I’m sharing today in this issue, even so the most experienced pilots make mistakes, remember we are humans and somebody can make mistakes.

A comprehensive knowledge of how aircraft forms and how to manage with the hazards it presents is a must for the competent pilot. 

Always Fly Safely! ✈️

Safety Information is a free service of:

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC.

1(954) 617-5374



The Best Safety device in any aicraft is a well trained Safety Pilot. Always Fly Safe.
CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting Inc.


Runway Incursion Avoidance

Runway Incursion Avoidance

Refresh: Runway Incursion Avoidance

Question to pilots:

In what phase of flight do you think the worst airplane accident in history happened? 


You as a pilot would probably say in the air, but the worst accident in aviation history occurred on a runway in Tenerife Airport, Canary Islands 1977), but unfortunately, we have to say that the latest incident at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, 09/10/24, adds to another list of these very serious incidents for commercial aviation where a Runway Incursion is involved.

Types of Runway Incursions:

Pilot Deviations: Crossing a runway hold marking without a clearance or taking off or landing without a clearance.

Operational Incidents: Clearing an aircraft onto a runway while another aircraft is landing on the same runway.

Vehicle Deviations: Crossing a runway hold marking without ATC clearance.

Investigations of runway incursions have identified 4 Major Contributing Factors:

Failure to comply with ATC instructions.

Lack of airport familiarity.

Nonconformance with standard operating procedures.

Distractions during taxi operations.( Be Careful) 👇

The best way to avoid a (RI)  Runway Incursion is to make sure you understand.

(1) Where you are at?

(2) What you have been cleared to do?

(3) Where you are going?

Always Read-Back of a clearance and should never be replaced by the use of terms such as “Roger”, "Wilco" or “Copied”.

Confirm that the message has been correctly received, and if necessary, to correct any errors. 

Avoid an incident/accident is the key. Safety is Always.

Safety Information is a free service of:

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC

What is a Runway Incursion?

Refresh: What is a Runway Incursion (RI)

What is a Runway Incursion?

A runway incursion (RI) is any occurrence at an aerodrome involving the incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle, or person on the protected area of a surface designated for the landing and take off of aircraft.

FAA has made Runway Safety a top priority, with a specific focus on developing new and more effective RI avoidance strategies.

Runway Safety is a significant challenge and a top priority for everyone in aviation.

In the United States, an average of three Runway Incursions occurs daily. 

Each of these incidents has the potential to cause significant damage to both persons and property.

Runway incursions are a serious safety concern and have involved air carrier aircraft, military aircraft, general aviation (GA), and pedestrian vehicles.

Runway incursions have resulted in collisions and fatalities.

Fatalities have occurred at both towered and non-towered airports. 

A few seconds of inattention can cause a Runway Incursion.

Causal Factors of Runway Incursions:

Detailed investigations of Runway Incursions over the past 10 years have identified three major areas contributing to these events:

 1. Failure to comply with ATC instructions.

 2.Lack of airport familiarity.

 3. Non conformance with standard operating procedure.

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC

Always Fly Safely.


Why do Scooter Accident happen?

Why do Scooter Accident happen?

Scooter riders pose huge risks to cars, pedestrians and themselves.

Disobeying traffic laws, are creating hazards for pedestrians or weaving in and out of traffic, vehicles and pedestrians can't always predict scooter behavior. 

Knowing how to avoid a scooter accident is the key to staying safe.

The irresponsability of those teenagers on the roads using this devices are very worry those days, not only in USA, in other countries too, they do not measure the danger driving this new scooters with any protection, no lights no helmet nothing.

And also no respect the speed limit and rules.

Few days ago, my Dash Camera on my car captured this irresponsible kid, his scooter passed me on the street overspeeding the limit signs 40 m.p.h on that road above that limit.

I didn't see any lights on the back of his scooter, only a white light in front of his scooter and without any protection as i mentioned before.

So, but the worst part was the infraction, the kid he did not using precautions approaching the intersection and run the red light and crossed it at high speed....putting the other drivers and pedestrians in danger.

My safety recomendations to all people who driving on the streets, should be very careful when you see scooters on the roads.

Currently, you see many scooters on the streets operated by young people who believe nothing can happen to them.

Safety is everyone's commitment, parents talk with your kids to teach that riding a scooter must respect also the rules on any street.

So, always try to avoid a major incident or accident also when you are in control of your car, never run a red light. Brake....Stop for your safety and the other people who are on the roads of any city, when the light turn green to read STOP.

Making the roads all drivers safe.

Watch the video I post here.

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC.


Driving Safe

Driving is a privilege, not a right, avoid accidents be calm always STOP / STOP on red.
Drive Safe.

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC


Drive & Fy Safely

Making the roads drivers safer is the key from CRM 4 Pilots. Drive safe campaign, our goal is to promote positive driving behaviours, to drivers reduced impaired driving incidents and accident crashes, on roadways.

Over speeding on the highways also it is contolled by air....

Always respect the speed limit...and traffic rules. 

Always Drive Safe....

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC



Icing in the Aviation Environment

            Icing in the Aviation Environment

All you need to know about icing conditions, when you are flying, and also the important to understanding various aviation icing types.

Pilots, remember always, Ice in flight is bad news, it destroys the smooth flow of air, increasing drag while decreasing the ability of the airfoil to create lift. 

So, your airplane may stall at much higher speeds and lower angles of attack than normal. 

You need to know well the concept that it can roll or pitch uncontrollably, and recovery may be impossible.

Aircraft icing involves the buildup of different types on the outer surfaces of an airplane.

You as a good safety pilot need to know the critical conditions when you encounter freezing temperatures.

Always remember what are the 3 types of ice in general aviation:

1. Rime Ice.
2. Clear Ice.
3. Mixed Ice.

Always Fly Safely!

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC


Tail Strikes During Takeoff/Landing

 Tail Strikes

What are a Tail Strike and Why are they caused?

Tail strikes occur when the tail of an airplane hits the runway during takeoff or landing, could be caused maybe by pilot error or another technical factors. 

I share this interesting issue, and try to stay away to prevent a future tail strike incident during take off phases or landing.



Always Fly Safely !

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC.


Thunderstorms and Turbulence

 Thunderstorms and Turbulence

Many times, you as a pilot you have to make decisions involving thunderstorms and turbulence during flying.

So, in some tropical regions, thunderstorms, happen year-around, for example in United States, thunderstorms develop most frequently during spring, summer, and fall. 

In the arctic region occasionally experience thunderstorm during summer time.

In general, thunderstorms occur varies widely from season to season. 

Well, to explain and to be more specific, thunderstorms in general are most frequently during July and August and least frequent in December, and January, in to the United States.

In fact, the planet earth is unique in that its atmosphere, as pilots when we encounter bad weather during our itinerary, sometime are affected by weather, but we need to understand what you should know about weather how can shake your flight.

Weather is complex and sometimes difficult to understand, our restless atmosphere is almost, continuously in motion as it strives to reach stability.

So, preparation for your weather briefing before your flying is very essential to any pilot, meteorological and aeronautical information is provided by continuous sources.

Everyone, who flies no matter in what country you are flying encounters turbulence, at some time or other. 

Turbulence, varieties from bumpiness which can bother crew and passengers, and also can structurally damage the aircraft or injure its passengers.

So,aircraft reaction to turbulence varies with the difference in wind speed in adjacent currents, size of the aircraft , wing loading , and also aircraft attitude.

All pilots, know the first rule in flying turbulence is to reduce airspeed; you need to know very clear your limitations and follow up the recommended airspeed for penetrating turbulence when you knowing where to expect a thunderstorm or turbulence.

To a respectable review, always remember pilots: the main causes of turbulence are: convective currents, obstruction to wind flow, and also wind shear. 

Turbulence also occurs in the wake of moving aircraft whenever the airfoils exert lift – wake turbulence.

Be, alert all the time any combination of causes may occur at one time. 

I'm, interested in writing today and post, about this important concern, regarding thunderstorms and turbulence, to require and maintain a safe flight and land safely without any difficult.

I became interested in writing about this subject because when, I read some information regarding incidents and accidents involved commercial aircraft, who have had problems with some of its flights.

Types of turbulence, are:

Light, Moderate, Severe, and Extreme.

Always remember the good, safety pilot is one that is a conservative aviator and learns every day from the unexpected things that can happen in your cockpit.                                

Always Fly Safe....

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC.

1(954) 617-5374


Severe Turbulence Interview B777-300 Near Bankok

Severe Turbulence Interview B777-300 Near Bankok.

Mira lo que he compartido: Caracol Radio en X: "📻 Al aire en #10AM el capitán Luis Alberto Adelsohn, piloto experto en investigación de accidentes aéreos. Habla de las fuertes turbulencias en vuelo de Londres a Singapur. https://t.co/X99XndA0mX" / X @MIUI| https://x.com/CaracolRadio/status/1792953898249888069


Stabilized Landings

Stabilized Landings:

Stabilized Approach criteria have successfully elevated in the Cockpit Awareness of risky approaches.

Runway excursion can occur on Take Off or Landing, let’s analyze  these expressions:

·Veer Off: Depart the side of the runway.

· Overrun: Depart the end of the runway.

Most common types of Approach and Landings accidents : 

Landing veer off , landing overrun , unstabilized  approach , control flight in to terrain ( CFIT ) , collision with terrain no CFIT ,and runway overshoot. 

These comprise the 78 % of the total approach and landing accidents.

So, rushed and  unstabilized approaches  are the largest contributory  factor in Controlled Flight In to terrain ( CFIT ), and other approach  landing accidents . 

Evaluation some operations briefing notes approach techniques, rushed approaches result  in inadequate time for the flight crew to appropriately  plan , prepare , and execute a safe approach .

Specific Factors involved in rushed and unstabilized approaches. 

Therefore, flying stabilized approaches complying with the stabilization criteria and approach to understand well the concept to stay away from incidents and accidents is the key, so, if the pilot continued flying and unstabilized approach, maybe the pilot will encounter some targets that should be met for the approach and need to understand the following these four steps strategy immediately to escape and incident or accident, anticipate, detect, correct and decide.

These strategies will constitute a common sense objective and reference for the pilot flying and the pilot not flying the airplane.

Monitoring, provide the time an ability and attention must require in this final and critical phase of flying so back up timely and precise any deviation callouts for effective correction on time, positive corrective actions should be taken before any deviation that develop in to a challenging or a hazardous situation in which the only safe action is immediately execute a GO AROUND.

All crews have to remember these three essential parameters to be stabilized for a safe approach:

Aircraft Track, Flight Path Angle, and Air Speed.

So, associated flight operations briefing notes communicate, that the following notes must review with this information to share:

Decent and Approach Profile Management.

Energy Management during the Approach.

Being Prepared to a GO AROUND Immediately.

Flying Constant Angle Non Precision Approaches.

The Final Approach Speed.

Factors Affecting Landing Distances.

Keep in mind failure to Go Around contributed to one – third of all landing excursion accidents.

Always attempt to make a Stabilized Landing ,it  is a landing conducted where your aircraft is completely controlled from a point 50 feet above the threshold to a full stop on the landing surface, without any unintended or adverse aircraft deviations from the planned and briefed maneuver.

Fly a Stabilized Approach always, the risk of an approach and landing accident or incident is increased if you don’t identify the strategies to reduce the risk of runway excursion.

Always Fly Safe!

Safety Information is a free service of:

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC.

1(954) 617-5374

Latest Accident: 

XE Jet E 145 at Lagos Runway Excursion on landing. 

May 11, 2024

Source: Aviation Herald / linkedin Video

The Causes of Accidents Why?

The causes of accidents frequently repeated why?

One reason, is we as pilots need to be always have a good discipline inside the cockpit, and also include the best resources management (CRM), and avoid any distraction in the cockpit, have a good communication, a good pilot judgment, and a good decision-making (ADM).

So, in the past decade, the discipline of human factors has become instrumental in determining the fatal causes of aircraft accidents.

But, you as a professional pilot, you ask yourself a lot of many questions, but why accidents continue to happen, if I am a good well trained pilot.

We have the tools to prevent incidents and accidents, the airlines on the trainings departments the crews have the best instructors an all the tools to have the best pilots, but incidents continue affected the community and those incidents continue happen.

I know these words ideas have been expressed by me in other post's.

In, my personal and professional opinion, these concepts about why accidents contiunue happening, my only advice is to invite all pilots around the world fly safely and continue studying the human factors we as pilots always learn no matter how many years are you in this interesting carrer or have many hours you have gathering in your log-books, always be prepare for the unexpected to any situation, and fly your aircraft safe.

After completing this post, you as a professional pilot be able to discuss with your colleagues, the basic concepts and goals of a good CRM, and discuss with your airline that safety has improved more and more since the introduction of the CRM training.

So, I hope you enjoyed my lecture today, and you a safety pilot can contact me any time, it doesn't matter in what country you are flying if you need concepts regarding about safety you are very welcome here and your opininon also too.

Always Fly Safely!

Safety Information is a free service of:

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC.

1(954) 617-5374



Why Accidents Happen

Why accidents happen?✈️

Aircraft accidents and incidents it can happen to anyone.

And in my personal view is sadly, that accidents do occur on a much too-frequent basis to pilots with a lot of knowledge and also with a lot of experience and gathered many flight hours in their logbooks .

According to a recent, accident data pilot error, is a cause of fatal action or decision of the pilot that , if not caught and corrected on time , could contribute to the occurrence of an accident or incident , but I want to be  more real and want to be emphasize that the term pilot error does not  imply that all errors are the fault of the pilots , so as I wrote on my last comments sometimes external circumstances are the cause , such as other possible causes .

The bad things about the statistics, is that people continue to crash and killed because we are humans and no human being  is perfect 100 % but when we talk about accidents we are referring to accidents in which the pilot should have either maintained or regained control of the aircraft. I remember, I was reading a good article on a Human Factors Book that the pilot was found to be a broad cause / factor in 84 % of all accidents, and 90.6 % of all fatal accidents. 

This means that the responsibility is largely the fault of people, not the machines they fly.

The only purpose today on my safety comment of this post is to show how a lack of knowledge, inadequate confusion and distractions has contributed to accidents.

A study of many aviation accidents reports, indicates that an alarming number of experienced pilots, as well as inexperienced pilots were involved in accidents.

I want to share with all the pilots around the world this words,writing today and also who read my safety blog and  take some of your free  time to learn about why accidents can happen any time.

So, as an experienced aviation accident investigator as well, I know we all learn from mistakes of other, yet seems many pilots must make the same costly mistakes themselves before they really learn.

Flight Safe should be our top priority to every buddy in this career, just because we as pilots we are humans and also we need to learn from the mistakes of recent accidents.

For this reason, I like to promote aviation safety through my safety blog, and also to inspire that a safe pilot consistently makes good judgment all the time inside the cockpit.

I want to be more precisely that a good judgment it is the ability to make an instant decision, which guarantees the safest possible continuation of the flight. 

Good Judgment guarantees, the positive aspects of flying the freedom to walk to your aircraft, go flying, and return to your home safely all the time. 

All people have a family and children that are waiting for us at home .

My best advice to all airline pilots and private pilots in GA , In fact, learning all the time that a good judgment is just as much an important part of flying as learning to make good Take Off and Landings .

The pilot in command always has direct responsibility for the operation of his aircraft.

The exercise of good judgment is so critical to flying safely all the time.

Always be prepared to reduce the threat and learn from accidents, continually keep your mental and physical skills strong, and review to learn something new, that accidents and incidents can occur any time anywhere at any phase of the flight.

Always be prepared for the unexpected. 

Be alert, know your limitations and the limitations of your aircraft learn from the mistakes of others and avoid similar accidents.

Safety First!!!!  Safety is Something We Can Live With!!!!

Always Fly Safely...

Safety Information is a free service of:

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC

1(954) 617-5374



Safety is Always

I am proud to help, the airline industry and all the community of other countries in the CRM & Human Factors training, and also help pilots in the area of ​​air safety, through our company to prevent accidents and incidents in general an commercial aviation....

Always Fly Safe your Airplane... 

Safety is Always....

The best safety device in your cockpit is a well trained safety pilot....

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC



Runway Incursion Avoidance

Refresh: Runway Incursion Avoidance.

Question to pilots:

In what phase of flight do you think the worst airplane accident in history happened? 


You as a pilot would probably say in the air, but the worst accident in aviation history occurred on a runway in Tenerife Airport, Canary Islands 1977),

but unfortunately, we have to say that the latest incident at Washington D.C Reagan National Airport, adds to another list of these very serious incidents for commercial aviation where a Runway Incursion is involved.

Types of Runway Incursions:

Pilot Deviations: Crossing a runway hold marking without a clearance or taking off or landing without a clearance.

Operational Incidents: Clearing an aircraft onto a runway while another aircraft is landing on the same runway.

Vehicle Deviations: Crossing a runway hold marking without ATC clearance.

Investigations of runway incursions have identified 4 Major Contributing Factors:

Failure to comply with ATC instructions.

Lack of airport familiarity.

Nonconformance with standard operating procedures.

Distractions during taxi operations.( Be Careful) 👇

The best way to avoid a (RI)  Runway Incursion is to make sure you understand.

(1) Where you are at?

(2) What you have been cleared to do?

(3) Where you are going?

Always Read-Back of a clearance and should never be replaced by the use of terms such as “Roger”, "Wilco" or “Copied”.

Confirm that the message has been correctly received, and if necessary, to correct any errors. 

Avoid an incident/accident is the key. Safety is Always.

Safety Information is a free service of:

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC

1(954) 617-5374





Univision Boeing Interview

En dias pasados tuve la oportunidad de aportar mis conocimientos al tema de la investigacion de incidentes de aviacion a un excelente medio de comunicacion, como lo he realizado a otros medios, del cual sus reportajes son excelentes de informacion, por esto mismo el tener la oportunidad como aviador de haber volado en equipos Boeing y algunos de la fabrica Airbus, envio un mensaje a todos los viajeros que no tienen porque tener ningun temor ni inconveniente de abordar este tipo de aviones como lo explico en esta corta entrevista, son dificultades, que las companias estan mejorando cada dia mejor y lo primordial para cada empresa que los vuela la prioridad es su seguridad operacional. 

Son aviones excelentes, muy buenos y los pilotos estamos bien entrenados para volarlos con seguridad.

La aviacion siempre sigue siendo el medio de transporte mas seguro.

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC


p.d. En este link puede ver el interview 👇



The Role of Business in Aviation

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC, somos una empresa constituida en Miami - Florida, desde hace varios anos, prestamos asesorias y analisis de investigacion que nos ha permitido trabajar con algunas empresas del mercado en aviacion general y comercial igualmente en la prevencion de incidentes y accidentes prestamos la mejor y profesional asesoria.

CRM 4 Pilots le asesora en un buen planteamiento del problema actual del mercado, para que las empresas tengan la mejor eleccion poder obtener las mejores herramientas y metodologias de recoleccion y analisis de datos para que las companias no entren en crisis.

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC.
1(954) 617-5374