
Icing in the Aviation Environment

            Icing in the Aviation Environment

All you need to know about icing conditions, when you are flying, and also the important to understanding various aviation icing types.

Pilots, remember always, Ice in flight is bad news, it destroys the smooth flow of air, increasing drag while decreasing the ability of the airfoil to create lift. 

So, your airplane may stall at much higher speeds and lower angles of attack than normal. 

You need to know well the concept that it can roll or pitch uncontrollably, and recovery may be impossible.

Aircraft icing involves the buildup of different types on the outer surfaces of an airplane.

You as a good safety pilot need to know the critical conditions when you encounter freezing temperatures.

Always remember what are the 3 types of ice in general aviation:

1. Rime Ice.
2. Clear Ice.
3. Mixed Ice.

Always Fly Safely!

CRM 4 Pilots Aviation Consulting INC