
Flight Data Monitoring

Flight Data Monitoring

 Resultado de imagen para Flight Data Monitoring
Flight Data Systems

Today I want to share with the Aviation Community and interesting issue about FDM (Flight Data Monitoring). So, Flight Data Monitoring (FDM), also referred to as Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA), is the analysis of flight data which allows safety managers and safety directors  to identify trends and fully investigate the situations behind events identified. This is so that flight operational procedures and training can be improved to avoid incidents and accidents in General and Commercial Aviation.

Flight Data Analysis is founded on Operational Flight Data Monitoring (OFDM)  has become known as Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA). It is a procedure which normally captures and analyses recorder data in order to improve the air safety of flight operations in the organization.

Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) offers an efficient solution to maintain the high standards in air safety in any organization to prevent incidents and accidents.

Flight Data Monitoring (FDM)​​​​ Improve the safety of your flight operations.

The key to maintain an excellent safety record in your organization it is to improves flight safety through analysis of flight data, and also provides objective monitoring of all the flight operations, Identifies events such as unstable approaches and Investigates deviations from SOP ( Standard Operating Procedures) for operational improvement and indication based training to stay away from accidents .

Flight Data Monitoring is the correct implement device for your company to be safe and safety.

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Remember Always Fly Safe

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